Thursday, April 1, 2021

AtoZ of Animals I’ve Met: “A” is for Animals and Asher #AtoZBlogging Challenge#

For those who know me well, my decision to write about animals this year should come as no surprise. I have always loved animals and have met many, not always in a pleasurable scenario, but all remembered to some extent. And so, after a much too long hiatus from blogging of any kind, I am beginning with this year’s AtoZ Blogging Challenge.

The first entry this year starts off with a little kitten named Asher. I had been living alone in my apartment for several months and was feeling a little lonesome, so my boyfriend took me to this home and garden center nearby. He had seen these cute little kittens and wanted me to choose one. (He knew that the best way to this girl’s heart was with a kitten.

I looked into the cage and my heart melted at the sight of this little orange kitten, just as he started trying to reach me through the prison bars. He was so cute, with those sweet baby blue eyes and those delicate paws. It was love at first sight for both of us.

A couple of months later, while I was working for the L.A.Times, I met another girl who was looking for an apartment. I had just recently joined the Church of Jesus Christ of LDS and she had heard about both my baptism and my need for a new roommate; because she was also a member of the same Church and we both worked together, it seemed a “match made in Heaven.”

Marion also had a pet: a small green parrot named Pippin, after Peregrin Took, in "The Lord of the Rings". Pippin liked to climb all over the curtains, and because he had sharp claws and a sharper beak, he more or less destroyed said curtains. When our landlady came to get our rent she saw the tears up and down the curtains and declared that Asher had to go.

Never mind that Asher had been declawed before he ever moved in with me; he was a kitten, kittens climbed up curtains and tore them, so kittens must go. And Pippin just happened to be hanging on to the curtain as she made this pronouncement.

Fortunately, I had become friends with a girl who worked in the supermarket behind my apartment building and she was already in love with Asher. She gladly took him into her heart and home, and I was once again desolate. I moved into another apartment soon after, but I have never forgot my dear sweet little Asher.



Copyright © Mary Purpari 1 April 2021 All Rights Reserved 


  1. Just popping by to say hello as part of the A2Z Challenge

    1. hi Dino--
      Thank you for dropping by. Please leave a link the next time you drop by. §(°_°)§


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