Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Introducing My Theme for this Year’s A-Z Challenge: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

This is my third year of participating in the A-Z blogging challenge. It is also the first year that I have also entered the Challenge with a specific theme, although last year I inadvertently had one, more or less. For those of you who don’t know what the challenge consists of, it’s a one month challenge (the month of April) where each day except Sunday we write a short article beginning with each letter of the alphabet, in order, either on a set theme or on a variety of unrelated subjects. 

One day while I was busily trying to find a subject for each letter of the alphabet that I could use during the 2015 A-Z Bloggers’ Challenge, the thought came to me that I could write a whole series built on one theme, the Church in which I am a member. I’ve been a member of the Church since 1973 and I have discovered that there is such a plethora of misconceptions that people have regarding the Church, that I could almost write TWO full challenges (at a minimum) except for the letter X; I did find one, however.

My articles will be mainly of an informative nature; it is not my intention to try and convert anyone through these articles, but if anyone IS interested in knowing more about the Church, I assure you I won’t be saddened. I’m excited to write these articles, because they are on a subject that is very important to me. There are some of my readers who find illustrations to be essential; I will try to include them whenever possible.

I hope you will enjoy my theme this year and find my articles useful and interesting. See you tomorrow!



  1. That's an unusual theme, Mary. It's always interesting to learn new things, so I'll be around. ☺ Enjoy the challenge!

    1. Thank you, Debbie. I'm really excited this year because I'm actually PREPARED with the various subjects I'll be writing on. Plus, I'm in a much more pleasant mood this year than last. ;)


I would really love to read your thoughts, so leave a comment so we can all converse. Thanks.